In [1]:
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 15)

In [2]:
from zipline.pipeline import Pipeline, engine_from_files
from zipline.utils.tradingcalendar import trading_days

start_date = pd.Timestamp('2014-01-02', tz='UTC')
end_date = pd.Timestamp("2014-06-30", tz='UTC')
engine = engine_from_files(

Warmed up 29962 assets.

Example: Less Simple Momentum

  • Compute 30 and 90 day moving averages.
  • Consider assets whose 30 day average is greater than 90 day average.
  • Intuition is that assets with higher short averages are "on the way up".

In [3]:
from import USEquityPricing as USEP
from zipline.pipeline.factors import SimpleMovingAverage

# sma30 and sma90 are Factors.
# Factors represent computations producing numerical-valued outputs.
sma30 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEP.close], window_length=30)
sma90 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEP.close], window_length=90)

# Comparisons between Factors produce Filters.
# Filters represent computations producing boolean-valued outputs.
screen = (sma30 > sma90)

example0 = Pipeline(
    columns={"sma30": sma30, "sma90": sma90},

<zipline.pipeline.pipeline.Pipeline at 0x7f7ae9aeafc8>

In [4]:

G cluster_Output Output cluster_Input Input 140166106175632 Expression: x_0 > x_1 140165842846928 SimpleMovingAverage(30) 140165842846928->140166106175632 140165842846864 SimpleMovingAverage(90) 140165842846864->140166106175632 140165985551248 USEquityPricing.close 140165985551248->140165842846928 140165985551248->140165842846864

In [5]:
results0 = engine.run_pipeline(example0, start_date, end_date)

sma30 sma90
2014-01-02 00:00:00+00:00 Equity(2 [AA]) 9.669300 8.885178
Equity(21 [AAME]) 4.015833 4.005022
Equity(24 [AAPL]) 550.211467 514.120772
Equity(25 [AA_PR]) 76.746038 76.029569
Equity(39 [DDC]) 13.721000 13.254922
Equity(41 [ARCB]) 33.207333 28.663605
Equity(52 [ABM]) 27.691924 26.902632
... ... ... ...
2014-06-30 00:00:00+00:00 Equity(46869 [ALDR]) 14.684367 13.911694
Equity(46876 [TOUR]) 15.629467 14.902457
Equity(46891 [AMH_PRC]) 24.732495 24.715853
Equity(46896 [SB_PRC]) 25.296433 25.283029
Equity(46910 [SFBS]) 86.144667 86.023125
Equity(46918 [ZEN]) 16.846667 16.734516
Equity(46920 [AGNC_B]) 24.789700 24.787531

626499 rows × 2 columns

Example: Less Simple Momentum

  • Compute 30 and 90 day Volume-Weighted Average Price
  • Rank assets by percent difference in 30-day VWAP vs 90-day VWAP.

In [6]:
from zipline.pipeline.factors import VWAP

vwap30 = VWAP(window_length=30)
vwap90 = VWAP(window_length=90)

# Arithmetic operations between Factors produce new Factors.
vwap_pct_change = ((vwap30 - vwap90) / vwap30)

# rank() is a method available on any Factor instance.
# It produces a new Factor containing the numerical rank of each
# asset after sorting the underyling Factor values.
vwap_pct_change_rank = vwap_pct_change.rank(ascending=False)

# top() is another method available on Factors.  It produces a Filter
# representing the top N assets sorted by the underlying Factor values.
top200 =

example1 = Pipeline(
        "rank": vwap_pct_change_rank,
        "pct_change": vwap_pct_change,

In [7]:

G cluster_Output Output cluster_Input Input 140166118217680 Expression: x_0 <= (200) 140166663440592 Expression: (x_0 - x_1) / (x_0) 140165881974928 Rank 140165881974928->140166118217680 140165985551056 USEquityPricing.volume 140165868883344 VWAP(30) 140165985551056->140165868883344 140165868883856 VWAP(90) 140165985551056->140165868883856 140165985551248 USEquityPricing.close 140165985551248->140165868883344 140165985551248->140165868883856 140165868883344->140166663440592 140165869305936 Expression: -((x_0 - x_1) / (x_0)) 140165868883344->140165869305936 140165868883856->140166663440592 140165868883856->140165869305936 140165869305936->140165881974928

In [8]:
engine.run_pipeline(example1, start_date, end_date)

pct_change rank
2014-01-02 00:00:00+00:00 Equity(41 [ARCB]) 0.147801 147
Equity(53 [ABMD]) 0.138028 191
Equity(84 [ACET]) 0.155196 113
Equity(273 [ALU]) 0.147033 149
Equity(450 [CLFD]) 0.154339 116
Equity(935 [NCS]) 0.147258 148
Equity(1031 [BONT]) 0.185019 45
... ... ... ...
2014-06-30 00:00:00+00:00 Equity(46680 [TEDU]) 0.116687 138
Equity(46722 [ADMS]) 0.132853 77
Equity(46770 [TRIV]) 0.129921 94
Equity(46771 [MC]) 0.130185 93
Equity(46778 [VTL]) 0.244516 5
Equity(46869 [ALDR]) 0.118973 127
Equity(46876 [TOUR]) 0.136723 67

24800 rows × 2 columns

Example: Custom Factors and Masking

In [11]:
import numpy as np
from zipline.pipeline import CustomFactor

class MaxDrawdown(CustomFactor):
    Factor computing the maximum drawdown 
    an asset has taken in the last N days.
    inputs = [USEP.close]
    def compute(self, today, assets, out, closes):
        # The difference between each day and the max of all
        # earlier days in the period.
        drawdowns = fmax.accumulate(closes, axis=0) - closes
        drawdowns[isnan(drawdowns)] = np.NINF
        drawdown_ends = np.nanargmax(drawdowns, axis=0)

        # This is slow in pure Python.
        # Cython or Numba could accelerate this substantially.
        for i, end in enumerate(drawdown_ends):
            peak = nanmax(data[:end + 1, i])
            out[i] = (peak - data[end, i]) / data[end, i]

maxdd_90 = MaxDrawdown(window_length=90)

# rank() takes an optional `mask` keyword, which can be passed a Filter
# to signify "Compute rank() only for assets for which the Filter 
# returned True.

masked_rank = vwap_pct_change.rank(mask=maxdd_90.bottom(200))
example2 = Pipeline(
        'masked_rank': masked_rank

In [12]:

G cluster_Output Output cluster_Input Input 140165866923024 Expression: x_0 <= (200) 140165866923408 Rank 140165866923024->140165866923408 140165985551056 USEquityPricing.volume 140165868883344 VWAP(30) 140165985551056->140165868883344 140165868883856 VWAP(90) 140165985551056->140165868883856 140165985551248 USEquityPricing.close 140165866922960 MaxDrawdown(90) 140165985551248->140165866922960 140165985551248->140165868883344 140165985551248->140165868883856 140166663441936 Rank 140165866922960->140166663441936 140166663440592 Expression: (x_0 - x_1) / (x_0) 140165868883344->140166663440592 140165868883856->140166663440592 140166663440592->140165866923408 140166663441936->140165866923024

In [13]:
engine.run_pipeline(example1, start_date, end_date)

pct_change rank
2014-01-02 00:00:00+00:00 Equity(41 [ARCB]) 0.147801 147
Equity(53 [ABMD]) 0.138028 191
Equity(84 [ACET]) 0.155196 113
Equity(273 [ALU]) 0.147033 149
Equity(450 [CLFD]) 0.154339 116
Equity(935 [NCS]) 0.147258 148
Equity(1031 [BONT]) 0.185019 45
... ... ... ...
2014-06-30 00:00:00+00:00 Equity(46680 [TEDU]) 0.116687 138
Equity(46722 [ADMS]) 0.132853 77
Equity(46770 [TRIV]) 0.129921 94
Equity(46771 [MC]) 0.130185 93
Equity(46778 [VTL]) 0.244516 5
Equity(46869 [ALDR]) 0.118973 127
Equity(46876 [TOUR]) 0.136723 67

24800 rows × 2 columns

In [ ]: